Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Writer's Cramp

That's not what I mean. I mean the thing when you can't think of anything to write about. What is that called? Anyway, I have it. I thought that my blog should have a purpose but I am afraid to limit it in that way. I don't see how my random musings will ever amount to much. So the question begs to be asked. What's the point again? I guess it's entertainment then. To see how wierd I realy am and tro see how honest I dare to be about the breath and scope of my odd ball sentiments. But I can prety safely predict that Lonesome Dove will be a main theme. I considered just making it my Lonesome Dove site but I'm not sure that my attention span would allow that. And, even though all things usually do lead back to Lonesome Dove I figured I would keep the forum open and roll them dice baby roll them ever lovin' dice!

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