Wednesday, June 17, 2009

An okay picture

There are very many different kind of eucalypti apparently. Here is just one example. Also, I failed to mention the amazing aroma. ANd it's medicinal properties too, are many. Mostly having to do with nasal congestion. I've never had eucalypti tea but I bet it's good. I don't know where it grows but I always imagined it to be California. Let me warn you I use Wikipedia a lot so.... while details and facts are important to me I like to skim over ideas and thoughts because there is a new one coming and I don't want to miss it because I'm verifying my sources. So, while I do value truth I also am a little gullible. Aren't I a real treat? So, I always imagined eucalyptus being a bush but I found pictures of trees and long skinny leaves too.

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